or document)
if (capturingElement == null) {
window.pbreason = 'Blocked a new window opened without any user interaction';
useOriginalOpenWnd = false;
} else if (capturingElement != null && (capturingElement instanceof Window || isParentWindow(capturingElement) || capturingElement === document || capturingElement.URL != null && capturingElement.body != null || capturingElement.nodeName != null && (capturingElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "body" || capturingElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "document"))) {
window.pbreason = 'Blocked a new window opened with URL: ' + openWndArguments[0] + ' because it was triggered by the ' + capturingElement.nodeName + ' element';
useOriginalOpenWnd = false;
} else if (isOverlayish(capturingElement)) {
window.pbreason = 'Blocked a new window opened when clicking on an element that seems to be an overlay';
useOriginalOpenWnd = false;
} else {
useOriginalOpenWnd = true;
// Block if a full screen was just initiated while opening this url.
var fullScreenElement = document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullscreenElement || document.fullscreenElement;
if (new Date().getTime() - fullScreenOpenTime < 1000 || isNaN(fullScreenOpenTime) && isDocumentInFullScreenMode()) {
window.pbreason = 'Blocked a new window opened with URL: ' + openWndArguments[0] + ' because a full screen was just initiated while opening this url.';
if (window[script_params.fullScreenFnKey]) {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) {
useOriginalOpenWnd = false;
var openUrl = openWndArguments[0];
var inWhitelist = isInWhitelist(openUrl);
if (inWhitelist) {
useOriginalOpenWnd = true;
} else if (isInBlacklist(openUrl)) {
useOriginalOpenWnd = false;
if (useOriginalOpenWnd == true) {
generatedWindow = originalWindowOpenFn.apply(this, openWndArguments);
// save the window by name, for latter use.
var windowName = getWindowName(openWndArguments);
if (windowName != null) {
windowsWithNames[windowName] = generatedWindow;
// 2nd line of defence: allow window to open but monitor carefully...
// Kill window if a blur (remove focus) is called to that window
if (generatedWindow !== window) {
var openTime = new Date().getTime();
var originalWndBlurFn = generatedWindow.blur;
generatedWindow.blur = function () {
if (new Date().getTime() - openTime < 1000 && !inWhitelist /* one second */) {
window.pbreason = 'Blocked a new window opened with URL: ' + openWndArguments[0] + ' because a it was blured';
} else {
} else {
// (useOriginalOpenWnd == false)
var _location = {
href: openWndArguments[0]
_location.replace = function (url) {
_location.href = url;
generatedWindow = {
close: function close() {
return true;
test: function test() {
return true;
blur: function blur() {
return true;
focus: function focus() {
return true;
showModelessDialog: function showModelessDialog() {
return true;
showModalDialog: function showModalDialog() {
return true;
prompt: function prompt() {
return true;
confirm: function confirm() {
return true;
alert: function alert() {
return true;
moveTo: function moveTo() {
return true;
moveBy: function moveBy() {
return true;
resizeTo: function resizeTo() {
return true;
resizeBy: function resizeBy() {
return true;
scrollBy: function scrollBy() {
return true;
scrollTo: function scrollTo() {
return true;
getSelection: function getSelection() {
return true;
onunload: function onunload() {
return true;
print: function print() {
return true;
open: function open() {
return this;
opener: window,
closed: false,
innerHeight: 480,
innerWidth: 640,
name: openWndArguments[1],
location: _location,
document: { location: _location }
copyMissingProperties(window, generatedWindow);
generatedWindow.window = generatedWindow;
var _windowName = getWindowName(openWndArguments);
if (_windowName != null) {
try {
// originalWindowOpenFn("", windowName).close();
} catch (err) {}
var fnGetUrl = function fnGetUrl() {
var url = void 0;
if (!(generatedWindow.location instanceof Object)) {
url = generatedWindow.location;
} else if (!(generatedWindow.document.location instanceof Object)) {
url = generatedWindow.document.location;
} else if (_location.href != null) {
url = _location.href;
} else {
url = openWndArguments[0];
openWndArguments[0] = url;
//why set timeout? if anyone finds a reason for it, please write it here
//in iframes it makes problems so i'm avoiding it there
if (top == self) {
setTimeout(fnGetUrl, 100);
} else {
return generatedWindow;
function pbWindowOpen() {
try {
return newWindowOpenFn.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (err) {
return null;
// Replace the window open method with Poper Blocker's
window.open = pbWindowOpen;
// Monitor dynamic html element creation to prevent generating